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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 27, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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with senator rand paul you can catch it on facebook at"the kelly file." thank you. i'm shannon bream, this is "the kelly file". welcome to "hannity" tonight, we have a jam-packed edition of the show. america, are you ready? let's roll. >> we are now at a constitutional tipping point in our system. >> a liberal professor tells us why he has turned on the president. >> we have the rise of an uber-presidency. there could be no greater dan r danger. >> the planet has a fever. >> what a founding member of greenpeace says about global warming. >> there is misinformation and fear. >> and he is here to explain
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why. >> and did the top democrat in congress really call all of you liars? >> stories made up of lies. >> sure sounds like it. all of that, plus nashville wives. the star of a brand-new hit tv show explained how religion actually brought them together. "hannity" starts right here, right now. >> bombhell testimony on capitol hill from a left-leaning law professor who says that thanks to obama's actions, we are at a constitutional tipping point. >> the president has created an atmosphere, the rate at which the executive power is being concentrated in our system is accelerating. and frankly i am very alarmed by the implications of that aggregation of power. i believe we are now at a constitutional tipping point in our system.
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it is a dangerous point for our system to be in. and i believe that your response has to given before this president leaves office. no one in our system goes it alone. >> and joining me now to explain exactly what he meant is the man you just heard from, george washington university law professor, jonathan turley. professor, welcome back, good to see you. >> thank you very much, sean. >> a very serious charge. you packed a lot in there. you do not agree with me on a lot of political issues but you may agree with me on this, explain why you took a strong stance. >> you know, the concern i have certainly did not begin with the president. i think president bush also showed the same tendency, but it has accelerated under this president. what we're seeing is a change in the system, that the framers created a branch of three, that exists as a type of orbittal whole, because they lean on each
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other and are balanced. what we are seeing is a shift, largely of legislative to the executive branch. and that is creating a dominant presidency, we don't have a system for that and as a result it is destabilizing. what people may not realize is that the system exists there to protect individual rights. the framers wanted to avoid any branch concentrating or aggregating its power because they wanted to avoid abuse of individuals. >> yeah, let's talk about some of the specific examples. what specifically has this president done that concerns you the most? >> well, quite frankly, i was surprised at the degree of circumvention under this president. he told people at the state of the union that he planned to go it alone. and he received applause.
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he was telling the legislative branch that he would be circumventing them. and he got ratchet applause from people in the audience and it really bordered on self-loathing. we're living in a strange time. the president asked congress for relief on the so-called dreamers, and then he secured the same relief unilaterally as president. he just went out on his own and did it. the same was seen in the health care law, where they objected, congress didn't give the president exactly what he wanted and so the president went it alone. and what i have tried to convey to people that i normally am aligned with is that this is not going to be our last president. policies and presidents change. and i believe they will rue the day when they were silent. what happens when the next president decides he is just not going to apply the clean air act
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or he is not going to apply anti-discrimination rules? who will be able to then say without hypocrisy that that is a violation of the constitution? >> you talk about the separation of powers, co-equal branches of the government. when the president has now changed unilaterally the health care law, it is argued 27 times including the employer mandate, for example. are you saying constitutionally he is obliged to go back to the legislature and it is their role to change the statutory dates, et cetera? >> he is, i must say i come to this as a madisonian scholar. i think all branches are equal, some may be more equal than others, it is the thumping heart of the madisonian system. the whole concept for the congress is that we are a divided nation. we do have factions. but congress is designed to take those factions and work,
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compromise. it just so happened in many areas where the president is circumventing congress happens to be an area where we're deeply divided. there is a reason we have not reached a compromise, because we are so divided. the way the system works is you don't get the freelance, you have to keep working for compromise and you have to accept what you can get in that environment. but what the president is doing is going outside that system and that is what is frankly dangerous. >> it is interesting, you said, you corrected a lot of people, and i think we always forget these are the most divisive times, and you point out these are not the most divisive times, our framers lived through these times. but you said the response of congress must begin before the president leaves office, what are you challenging them to do? >> well, the problem is, sean, constitutional power is very easy to lose but much harder to regain. the same could be said of the
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balance in our system. i think to congress needs to act. i was astonished at how really feckless and inert that congress appears. i didn't think this was a partisan issue. the framers assumed, and particularly madison assumed that ambition would counteract ambition, that no matter our divisions, members of congress would jealously protect their power. i don't think he ever anticipated the congress like the one we're seeing. so congress needs to act. the first thing they have to do is get the courts to recognize the ability of members of congress to simply get access to the courts to get judicial relief. in the last few decades the courts have restricted what is called member standing. and i think that is one of the big contributors of the problems we're having. the courts are simply absent without constitutional leave. and so they're letting these problems fester when they could
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be answered through judicial review. >> you know, if you want judicial relief that is certainly one measure. but don't they have their own constitutional authority, for example, the power of the purse and they could exercise that? >> well, that is the mantra you hear from courts when they say they're not going to intervene in these disputes. but this president has challenged the power of the purse. you know, in health care field, over $400 million was committed to one use by congress. and the president simply transferred it to another use. wes saw a controversy involving shifting funds of an office that congress thought that they had eliminated. so in today's fiscal world we have so much discretionary funding that it is very difficult for congress to actually use the power of the purse with the precision people think that they can do so as a check or balance. >> i don't think, professor, this is going to make you very popular at some of the washington cocktail parties
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among some of your friends, but thank you for being with us. thank you, sean. coming up, an tasinterview can't afford to miss, and why there is absolutely zero evidence that global warming is in effect. and joining me tomorrow, 10 eastern, a live studio audience of "hannity," and we have been examining this. we call it the obama effect and how the president's policies have brought us to a very dangerous breaking point, tomorrow, here on fox. and? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool only from progressive.
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welcome back to "hannity," now for years the left has been spinning their lies about global
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warming, all in an effort to public through their radical agenda, listen to this. >> dirty weather causes dirty lives. >> the debate is settled. climate change is a fact. and when our children's children look us in the eye and ask if we did all we could to leave them a safer more stable world with new sources of energy i want us to be able to say yes, we did. >> we're about to have a harsh reality. patrick moore is the co-founder of greenpeace, and he says zero evidence that the earth is warming because of human activity. mr. moore, welcome to the program. thank you for joining us. >> nice to be with you, sean. >> all right, i have felt this. and i have interviewed many people over the years. i agree with you but i'm surprised that it came from your mouth. explain. >> well, actually i left
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greenpeace a long time ago. i was one of the original founders, i was with them in the top committee. but by the mid-'80s they turned sharply to the left and began to adopt issues that i couldn't accept. i have a phd in ecology and am very versed in all the climate change matters. there is actually no scientific proof. it is not really about evidence so much. it is more about an actually scientific proof that humans are the main cause of the slight warming that has happened in this world over the last 100 years or so. in fact, the world started warming back after the little ice age about 250 years ago. and the climate change panel of the united nations is saying since 1950 we have been the main cause of warming of the earth. yet during the first half of the 20th century there was a warming
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period about identical to the warming period to occurred in the last half. and they're not claiming that we caused that. they're not really saying what they think caused that. so there is simply no logic to saying that we know for certain. that is why they use the term likely. actually they say extremely likely which is no really different in saying likely. it is just their opinion. in other words, it is a judgment that humans are causing the warming rather than any kind of scientific proof. >> when the president says the debate is settled. when the secretary of state says we have no time for a meeting with the flat earth society. five years ago al gore predicted the polar ice cap would be completely ice-free. and guess what? there is plenty of ice. what do you think is driving the agenda? i have my own theory but i just want to get your thoughts.
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is there an agenda driving it? >> there is a large group of environmentalists who want to raise money and get control over very large issues like our entire energy policy. media, for sensationalism. universities and approaches for grants. you can't hardly get a science grant these days without saying it has something to do with climate change. it is a kind of nasty combination of extreme political ideology, and a religious cult all rolled into one. and it has taken over way too much of our thought process and way too much of our priorities. there are millions of children dying every day from preventible diseases and we are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on a problem that does not exist. nobody is saying that the world has not warmed a little bit. what we're saying is there is no proof of human activity, that it caused this little bit of
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warming. what we're also saying is that the little bit of warming is actually good for all species on planet. ice and frost are actually enemies of life. and for the earth's history, it has been much warmer than it is today and co 2 is much higher. these true believers in climate change are only looking at the last 100 years. that is a blink in nature's eye. we have had billions of years of climate history in this world and if you look at just the half billion of them, the most recent half billion you will see that co 2 is lower than it has been in most of history. and so is the temperature. >> do you expect to be attacked by part of this cult, as you call it and those with that agenda? because i would expect coming from you, as well informed as you are, you are probably going to come under heavy fire. do you expect that? >> yes, i do.
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i have no qualms about it, sean, i understand the subject very well. i understand that water vapor is the key to impacting the co 2 increase on global warming and the climate. and all of these climate it doesn't matter how sophisticated a climate model is, it is not a crystal ball. you could learn more about the climate by throwing a bunch of bones on the ground than you could by these models, they are computer models, something you can't predict the future of the earth with. they're all saying the co 2 is going to result in a very large increase in the temperature. and the way they do that is by assuming the increase in the water vapor which will come in a warmer world will magnify the effect of the carbon dioxide, when in fact they don't know
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that. >> very informative interview, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. and what you just heard tonight. >> there is plenty of horror stories being told all of them are untrue. but they're being told all over america. >> harry reid calls you, the american people, liar's, all in an attempt to well, say that the disaster that is obamacare is wil well, not a disaster. that and much more continues. won't treat all of your symptoms. really? alka seltzer plus severe sinus fights your tough sinus symptoms plus your runny nose. oh what a relief it is over one million hours of research. are inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
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welcome back to "hannity," so we've heard a lot of tall tales about obamacare since its inception. now, this week, crazy uncle joe biden added a long list to the lies. talk about a new low. listen to this. >> this is about freedom. how many of you are single women with children in a dead end job? you're there because of your health insurance. you would rather have the opportunity to spend the next couple of years with your child, if that was your choice, until they get into primary school. you're now trapped in that job because if you leave you lose your health insurance. now, you will be able to do -- maybe an independent choice. >> you don't have to work. somebody else will pay for it. joining me now to respond to that and much more, well, our left-leaning panel, fox news political analyst, juan
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williams, kirsten powers, good to see you. >> good to see you, sean. >> wait a minute, uncle joe said you would rather have the opportunity to spend time at home, well, let your neighbors and others pay for your children you brought into the worm wor-- world. >> how are other people paying for it, he is saying you don't have to be tied to a job, if you're ill you can buy insurance. it is not asking other people to pay for it. >> but we know that people are getting their obamacare subsidies. so i'm assuming that if a person has a dead end job and joe biden is giving them the opportunity to stay at home and they get to keep their insurance, where is the money coming from? >> but i thought this was your whole thing, don't you think
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that parents should be at home with their children if they can. are you actually saying this is a bad thing. >> but listen to what he is saying, if you're at a dead end job you get to stay home. well, if you get to stay home if you think your job is a dead end job, i assume you're not making 100 thousand or $200,000 a year, so that means you will get subsidies -- >> don't you as a person, sean, who cares as pro family, want to help? >> kirsten, i'm big pro responsibility. you got to be able to afford -- >> you don't want to actually like, when the rubber meets the road you don't want to help them out. >> when the rubber meets the road i'm saying if you have kids you should take care of your kids and be responsible. that the rest of the public shouldn't have to pay for everything involving your life so you have the luxury to stay home. >> you're making the case that this is a subsidy, sean, i would say this in fact what we're seeing here is social policy
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being enacted. it was approved by the congress and signed by the president. and the social policy is as kirsten just described it, one in which we are pro family. we want to support mothers and children. i don't see this as subsidy, per se, so much as the people of the united states -- >> juan, what part of the universe are you living in? cbo said because of obamacare subsidiaries it will lose the equivalent of 2 and a half million jobs because as soon as -- >> that is where you get in trouble. you just misinterpreted what they said. they said people will have the capacity to choose. >> paul ryan -- sean, paul ryan said what you're saying is not true. that that is not the right interpretation, that it not what it says, it doesn't say jobs are going to be lost. it says people trapped in jobs may decide to work fewer hours and when they add up the hours
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they come up with 2 million jobs. >> if you listen to the director of the cbo he said it would create a disincentive for people to quit working because they would lose their subsidies. >> he said disincentives -- >> i'm just saying it is not a disincentive. what it is saying if you want to work you can work. but look, you also have the opportunity here to say this is the moment in which i can make a choice because i don't have to rely on the employer for my health care. i can now make choices. >> oh, my gosh, what world do you guys live in? you don't make the choice, you don't have the income you leave the dead end job, you don't have the income from the dead end jobs and i've done a lot of dead end jobs in my life. that means the subsidies will continue to come in. >> i do think we are subsidying them. my question is if you're going to talk about pro family all the time why aren't you willing to
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subsidize. if the foundation of this country is the family then i think we should help out. >> wait a minute, i'll let you and your liberal friends help out whoever you want. yes, i'm pro family but i'm also pro responsibility for your decisions in life. and the fact that other members of the country that would like to spend time with their children are paying for other people so they can stay home with theirs is fundamentally unfair, kirsten. >> what i'm saying to you is of course we make social policy in the country, social security, you know what? once people are 65, we think the they should have the opportunity here to make a decision. and we are willing -- >> i can't believe what i'm sayi hearing. >> i think we as an american -- >> womb to the tomb -- >> now you want a program -- i am amazed that you guys don't see something wrong in what the
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vice president -- kirsten -- >> when mrs. hannity had children, did you say hey, you bum, you better -- i want you to get out here and work? >> no, she sent me out to work two jobs. but wait a minute. listen, if you make the choice that is fine. but when the vice president says don't go to your dead end job, we'll get you a subsidy. we'll take care of you. you have choices. that money does not come out of thin air, guys. people pay that money. >> we'll take care of you. he didn't say that. he said you have -- you don't have to be in that job, sean. >> who is going to pay for the insurance when the woman leaves the dead end job? help me out. >> i'm telling you, sean, you're talking about social policy. >> i love you both, you're killing me, i really do. all right, now -- i have the shock to my heart. >> i want to hear mrs. hannity's response.
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>> this is not about mrs. hannity, she doesn't have a dead end job. >> she doesn't work any o-- >> she has a husband who apparently thinks that anybody who just had a baby is being subsidized if they have the opportunity to stay home with the child. >> but the people that are paying would like to stay home with their children. that is the point. >> what are you talking about? they're saying this creates an opportunity for everyone, sean. >> oh, my gosh. we're doomed, this country is doomed if people agree with you. we're done. good to see you both. >> coming up, brand-new analysis reveals republicans likely to take control of the senate come 2014. we have those details, plus, huge controversies swirling around katy perry's new video release. it has the muslim community worried. but first, you don't want to miss an episode of two on one against me. anyway, you can set your dvr to "hannity," this way you will never miss a show.
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welcome back to "hannity," all right we have news to report tonight regarding the makeup of congress, the survey conducted by "the new york times" if the election were held today, 42% of the polls say they would back republicans, 39% said they would back democrats. does this mean the gop would seize control of the senate? here to analyze, larry sabato is back with us, good to see you, how are you sir? >> i'm fine, how are you, sean. >> well, i read these polls, they're kind of similar to most of the polls coming out at this time. what are your thoughts? >> well, i think it is significant. obvious obviously, it is february and i assume that is why you have some hesitation about it. and i agree, really it is around labor day that these things
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begin to solidify, but when you mention the generic ballot and the republicans, generally this is where it has been for a while. the republicans will actually pick up seats, they wouldn't lose seats. and democrats need to carry an additional 17 seats to take over the house. the republicans will gain seats, maybe in the single digits in the house. in the senate it means they're right around the six seats that. if it is a plus-3 generic ballot in september, i think the republicans will get the six seat seats they need to take control. if it goes a little higher, they will take more seats. if it goes to a tie, the republicans will still pick up seats, but they need to pick up four. >> we have red state democrats, we have arkansas, louisiana, north carolina, what states do you think are most vulnerable for the democrats? for the senate?
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>> well, sean, you have two automatic pickups really for the republicans in west virginia. jay rockefeller seat turning over to a republican in south dakota, where tim johnson's democratic seat will turn over to the republicans. pretty good chance in montana, pretty good chance in alaska for those two to switch to the republicans. then i think you go to arkansas. if there is any incumbent who is really vulnerable it would be democrat mark pryor, the incumbent in arkansas. and louisiana, mary landrieu and kay hagan. and congressman corey gardner in colorado surprised everybody by deciding to challenge senator mark udall. well, suddenly, colorado is on the map of closely contested senate races. >> yeah, what about minnesota?
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>> well, i doubt it. it would have to be a big republican wave. it is always possible. we haven't gotten into september yet but it would have to be a big republican wave for senator al franken to lose. >> all right, two thirds expressing disappointment in the president. 63% of americans say the country is on the wrong track. there is one number in this poll that really stuck out. eight in ten americans, that is 80% are dissatisfied or angry with the way things are going in washington. to what extent do you think that reflects the president and his policies? >> well, that is a big piece of it. there is a high correlation between people's view of where the country is going and how satisfied they are personally and generally with the way the country is going and the way they view the presidency. and the way this plays into the mid-term is very simple. in a presidential election you have to turn out over 70% of the voters. in a mid-term congressional
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election like we had this november the turnout plummets to about 40%. so the key question is who turns out? who is most excited? who is most motivated to vote in the mid-term election? so far we're seeing that republicans are more motivated than democrats. and by the way, sean, the democrats realize that. that is why they're pushing minimum wage, income inequality. they're trying to stir the base to get them as excited as the republican base already is because of obamacare and other things. >> all right, larry, good to see you, thanks for being with us. thanks, sean. and coming up, our friends from "the five," kimberly guilfoyle. and coming up, why this woman is blaming troubles and what she is blaming them on including her past and the assassination of her father. plus, katy perry is in hot water over a new music video. muslims are outraged because of
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her use of an islamic symbol. and privateliey lives, here talk about the new show. stay with us. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.®
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campbell's healthy request. o ch. o ch. as first ladof our church we have meetings. we have activities. and i couldn't do any of that. any time anythg brushed up against thisash it would seelike it would set it on fire again.
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it was the worst pain i ever had.
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welcome back to "hannity," so did the affluenza disease strike again? during her trial yesterday, kerry kennedy said i have ten brothers and sisters, my father died when i was eight, he was killed while running for defense. so that is a defense? kimberly guilfoyle, what do you think?
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will it work? >> no, i get it. she is going to use the name and whatever she can to kind of say look, this is what i have done. i believe what she was trying to say is these are the positive things i've done so this this jury would go easy on her. but the kennedys, man, they have gotten a lot of breaks, remember michael skakel? there was pretty good evidence they cut him some slack because he was related to the kennedys. >> and you have chappaquidick, the whole family rallies, they remind everybody they're catholic. >> she is trying to do everything they can in a court of law. >> can she say i meant to take this medicine but i took an ambien instead. >> well, you can say that, this case is getting a lot of attention, i think we know why. she is certainly entitled to put forth any defense she wants. this is a serious case in terms of people getting behind the
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wheel impaired. but it is a first time offender case being tried at the state level. >> is it believable to you? >> do i think it is believable? i guess anything can happen in a trial and whether or not it will be persuasive is the question. i think they're sort of hoping it will. >> an honest mistake. >> an honest mistake, somebody who meant to go out and be under the influence of the car. that is the idea. that would negate sort of the intent of the idea. the mens rea idea of it. >> would you have the same decision or sentence, if they can honestly say yes. >> there is some precedent with patrick kennedy and the ambien. >> pull that one out, see if that works. so you guys are on "the five"
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yesterday, and bob beckel goes nuts. this is a controversial katy video that has been scrubbed, the part that the muslims are protesting. take a look at this clip. ♪ ♪ >> all right, it is called "dark horse" and now we'll just play -- we have a video clip looped in slow motion so we can get a look at it here. what do you think? >> well, look, she gave in to the pressure, i'm not surprised. given the consequences. these are not people to get vocal and loud, they actually take deadly action murdering children and what i'm appalled at is nobody is coming out to
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decry the radical behaviors of the extremists. by the way, where are the radicals in the music industry to say this is an outrage, you shouldn't edit o-- >> let me just put the screen grab that shows the circle around the controversial pendant, which created it. as you can see right there, what is your reaction? >> okay, this is the way i see it. i'm all for free speech, if you watched katy perry in the grammys, she wore, singing instead of the pendant she had a lit cross on. some christians believe that was bla blasphemous as well. i have become a libertarian as well, free speech, it is just art. i think perry pulled the pendant out not because the religious muslims asked her to do it.
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i think because there are a billion, three, four muslims in the world and she is worried about not selling the albums. >> you think it is the money? >> yeah, follow the money. >> i actually think there is a feeling there are radical islamists that will take this call the wrong way and she is at risk. >> yes, she is afraid. a fear factor that is real. fatwa, jihad, the whole deal. >> all right, your co-host, bob beckel, really went off. >> muslims worldwide are petitioning to ban the video. what they're not petitioni inin do is christians were killed by muslims, once again, not one head of state or a cleric or imam has said anything. you're a bunch of cowards. >> i was waiting for the fatwa to come down on the five.
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we have to walk out as beckel -- >> oh, boy. >> there is a double standard. there seems -- there is a willingness to go after christians but there seems to be a fear to go after anybody in the islamic >> why is that fear there? >> the fear is that they have no respect for sanctity of life. these radicals because they believe their way is the only way. at the end of the segment bob beckel says if that is who you look to, you might want to look elsewhere. that is the last statement made in that segment. >> eric wants a food taster. you do. >> live and let live. >> good to see you both and appreciate it. >> thank you. >> coming up next, i'll talk to two stars from the hit show "pry lit lives of nashville wives". how religion brought them
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i love hanging out with her because she gets me she brings the best out of me. working on a new album right now. it's the first album out probably in 3, 4 years. >> isn't it crazy? the roller coaster we go through? >> yeah. >> nobody understands it they think we have a glamorous life. it's the hardest thing, ever. >> i didn't know what i was walking into. >> that is a clip from the brand new show called "private lives of nashville wives". two of the women in the program, ladies how are you? >> we're good. >> wonderful. >> thank you. >> i have seen all of the housewives shows. you've seen them, right? they're crazy. yours is different. >> sort of. >> kind of or a lot crazy? >> um, i think you're going to get a good mix.
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you get six opinionated women together it's going to get crazy. >> yes. >> we've got six totally different personalities we all have a different job and do different things in the community you'll see sparks fly. >> and cassy you were a hooters girl when you met your husband >> i was. >> okay. you want to hear how we met? it's interesting. i was in the bahamas doing a calendar shoot for hooters gary's production film was there filming the making of the calendar. i had no google. i cannot google him i i didn't have a clue who he was, our age difference. as soon as we leave this week long paradise trip i get into miami and google him, i'm like oh, no. oh, no. >> he's 20 some owed years older. >> yeah. >> but now this is interesting.
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a lot of the shows like "duck dynasty" is popular. i think values have a big part of it. you're different than when i think would differentiate yourself. you say god is the center of your marriage. i'm not hearing that on housewives from beverly hills there is a little difference here, right? >> there is. i think family dynamic is stronger with our show. you do get to see husbands a lot more. >> people aren't expecting our husbands are very involved. and it shows our children, but the one thing that cassy and i have always had first is our faith. and what we believe in. and that always comes first. and we do pray before meals we've prayed together before the show started >> i'll send her scripture. just encouragement. >> yes. >> it's good to have a friend on
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the show with the same belief system that you do. >> does that take cat fights and end them differently? because i have seen pretty hostile, nasty fights on the shows. >> oh, i'm sure. you know, we're really good at conflict resolution we put it on, out there. then, we talk to each other, it's over. we forgive each other, we move on. which i think adult women should do. >> you all friends all, because there is six of you, right? >> yes. >> right. >> you're all good friends? >> or did you meet -- >> i would say now. >> have you to wait and see. but i think for me, personally it was just a roller coaster ride meeting the new women. and everyone has a different, you know personality. but... it's so great for me because it got me out of my box. it got me around women i won't usually be around. and there have been really great
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friendships come out of it. cassy and i have grown really close through some of the girls i had conflict with, there is some great relationships that are beginning we're working on and learned how to communicate zechl a different way of communicating. we're learning how to work through that. >> it's funny. i'm watching in hollywood. big movies have family themes. "duck dynasty" this, is a different twist on relationships so i think it's are interesting that the marketplace is demanding a different kind of show. i'm looking forward to seeing it i hope it gets crazy because that gets entertaining for me. >> thank you. >> thank you, sean. >> thank you. >> that is all the time we have left this evening. now, before we go don't forget to record "hannity" so you don't miss an episode quick programming note, tomorrow night, tune in, 10:00 eastern,
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studio audience edition of "hannity". how obamacare policies brought our nation to a tipping point. thank you for being with us. e o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> if i can persuade sharpton and o'reilly to be in the same meeting, then it means that there are people of good faith who want to get some stuff done, even if we don't agree on everything. >> big announcement at the white house and your humble correspondent was in attendance. it has to do with helping young americans at risk. tonight we will analyze with presidential senior advisor valerie jarrett and chief white house correspondent ed henry. >> sister or your wife or your daughter, how you can think her work should be valued less in the workplace? >> the democrats keep saying american women are getting hosed by the american economic system. maria will weigh in on that. >> come here. come here.


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